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Here is your one-stop shop to music resources.  Featured on this page are database and reference links that the Grace Hauenstein Library subscribes to.  Also, there are links to websites that might prove helpful when conducting research in music


Google Scholar and Interlibrary Loan Link

Sometimes, Google Scholar is helpful. Here is why:

Google Scholar will flag articles owned by AQ. If you are on a networked computer this will work seamlessly.

If you are on your laptop or a personal computer from home. do the following:

  • Go to Google Scholar and click on the three horizontal lines on the left corner of your screen
  • Choose Settings
  • A new menu will open, choose Library Links
  • In the search box, type in Aquinas.
  • Then click all of the check boxes that apply to Aquinas College in Michigan. Be sure to check the one that says "Test" as well.
  • Finshed? Click Save.

If the text to a certain article is not available through Google Scholar, don't fret. We may have access through one of our subscription databases. Click here to find out by typing the name of the journal the article appears in (not the title of the article). If this doesn't work, you can request that we get it for you from another library (for free). Fill out this form to do that.

Music Websites

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Mies Martin
1700 Fulton Street East
Grand Rapids MI 49506