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TE 242 Script Analysis: Home


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How To Find Original Reviews

Here is your Step-by-step guide to finding original reviews:

There are two paths to follow here.  Did the play orginally premier before 1983?  The Reader's Guide covers 1904-1983.  If so, do the following:

Before 1983:

  • Consult the multi-volume set entitled: The Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature.  It is in the reference section on the first floor of the library, adjacent to the reference desk.  This set is essentially the paper version of what is now known as Google.
  • Determine the year your play debuted (on Broadway or elsewhere). 
  • Consult the Reader's Guide volume that corresponds to the year of your play.
  • You can look up the play by title or author.  If you look it up by title, you may be referred to the author.
  • Once you have found the list of reviews, you must then determine if AQ owns the journals and, more importantly, if we own the journal, do we own it for that particular year?
  • Access Tomcat at  Choose the Library Catalog link. 
  • Do a title search on the title of the journal.  If we do own the journal, look in the middle of the screen to determine the available years. (Note: Reader's Guide often uses cryptic abbreviations for long journal titles.  There is a list at the beginning of each volume that notes the full title of each journal.)
  • Once you have determined which titles and issues we own, jot down the citations and find the corresponding microfilm (or microfiche). 
  • Remember, if you need help with any or all parts of this process you can ask the librarian at the reference desk or call me at 632-2131 or

After 1983:

  • The best databases to consult are Historical New York Times and Proquest Central.  I recommend using both.
  • Access the library page at  Choose the databases/subject guides link.
  • In the middle of the page there is an A-Z list of databases. 
  • Find your database and open it.
  • In the search box, type the name of your play.  Be sure to put it in quotes.
  • Find the "Date Range" limit and enter the year your play debuted.  You may want to include the entire year or two years (just to be inclusive)
  • Next limit your results to just review articles.  To do this, find the "Source Type" limit.  You may have to scroll down a bit, but find "Review" and enable the check box.

Subject Guide

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Mies Martin
1700 Fulton Street East
Grand Rapids MI 49506
