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I&E - Bauer: Sample Databases

Research Questions

Questions General DB General DB Specialized DB Specialized DB Specialized DB Specialized DB Specialized DB
Vaccinations – pros and cons to requiring them for school or workplace ProQuest Central Academic Search Complete Biological Science Complete General Science Abstracts      
Problems with homeless shelters ProQuest Central Academic Search Complete Sociology Database Social Science DB      

Why some people don’t want to stay there (e.g., violence and theft between clients – how should it be handled?)

ProQuest Central Academic Search Complete Sociology Database Social Science DB      

Government vs. private funding; what is to be done when funding is not enough?

ProQuest Central Academic Search Complete Nexis Uni        

Alternatives to shelters

ProQuest Central Academic Search Complete Sociology Database Social Science DB      
Mass shootings – Are potential prevention measures a good idea? (Examples: mandatory mental health screening, holding parents responsible for minor's actions or access to a weapon, social media monitoring by schools) ProQuest Central Academic Search Complete Sociology Database Social Science DB      
Mental illness and homelessness (Examples: cost barrier, stigma issue, mandatory mental evaluation to get public assistance) ProQuest Central Academic Search Complete Sociology Database Social Science DB PsycInfo PsycArticles  
Homelessness among veterans ProQuest Central Academic Search Complete Sociology Database Social Science DB      
Is medical care for mental illness sufficient?  Who should pay for it? ProQuest Central Academic Search Complete Sociology Database Social Science DB      
Poverty among seniors who have worked all their lives – lack of money for housing, food and medicine (You can pick just one or do all three) ProQuest Central Academic Search Complete Sociology Database Social Science DB      
Businesses and Religious Freedom:  Should a business be allowed to deny service to a customer if the requested service conflicts with the business owner’s/owners’ religious beliefs? ProQuest Central Academic Search Complete Business Abstracts Legal Periodicals and Books Nexis Uni    
Societal and workplace attitudes towards men compared to women. ProQuest Central Academic Search Complete Sociology Database Social Science DB      
Affirmative action (universities and/or workplaces) ProQuest Central Academic Search Complete Business Abstracts Sociology Database Social Science DB Nexis Uni  
Limitations on medical treatment for transgender minors ProQuest Central Academic Search Complete Sociology Database Social Science DB Legal Periodicals and Books Nexis Uni GenderWatch
Transgender participation in sports ProQuest Central Academic Search Complete Legal Periodicals and Books Nexis Uni GenderWatch