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HY211 Colonial and Revolutionary America: Home

Finding Books on Your Topic

You'll need to locate some books about your individual or event. This library catalog will help you. Remember to get started early, because you may have to InterLibrary Loan some titles and that takes time (5 - 10 business days).

Finding Biographical Information

Finding Articles on Your Event or Individual

Not all of these databases contain full text articles. But don't despair! If the article you want isn't full text in the database you're searching, just look for a link that says "360 Link" or "Click for full text" or "Check for fulltext." If the article is available in another database, that link will find it.

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Mies Martin
1700 Fulton Street East
Grand Rapids MI 49506


Use Zotero to create citations in a particular format.  Be sure to choose the proper style (MLA, APA, etc) and material type (electronic journal, website, book, etc).  CAUTION: YOU are responsible for ensuring that your citations are formatted correctly.  This tool will help you, but is not perfect!  

Academic Integrity

Plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty are taken very seriously at Aquinas College.

If you have any questions about what academic integrity and plagiarism are, check out the tutorials (they're short -- and, actually, fun!) below: