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Zotero: Introducing Zotero

Zotero Features

Zotero is an amazing tool for students and faculty alike. With Zotero you can:
  • Create citations: from books, journal articles, websites, YouTube videos, and many other sources
  • Organize citations: using collections and tags, you can organize your citations in various ways
  • Integrate references: into bibliographies and in-text citations in MS Word, Google Docs, and LibreOffice
  • Share: your Zotero library or collections with others using Zotero Groups
  • Sync: your Zotero library among your computers or devices
  • Store: digital PDF copies of sources


If you don't have many citations to manage, you may not need all of Zotero's features. Try using ZoteroBib

ZoteroBib allows you to create bibliographies quickly and easily. No downloading of software or creating an account required.