You will find links to websites about:
National Center for Chariable Statistics (NCCS) Web Tools
Under the heading Geographic Focus search for nonprofits by location, review state summary reports, largest public charities by state, and find private foundations in Michigan by county.
Print version of the Michigan Foundation Directory, available in the Reference collection of the library.
Michigan Nonprofit Compensation and Benefit Survey, 2010
Two hundred twenty-one Michigan nonprofits were surveyed in 2010 about salaries, compensation and benefits provided. This report is intended to help nonprofits determine appropriate compensation, comparable with other nonprofit organizations in the state of Michigan.
State of Michigan Procedures & Requirements for Charities
State of Michigan Tax Filing Information for Charitable Organizations
Michigan Nonprofit Cormporation Tax Filing Information This page provides downloadable state forms for nonprofits including nonprofit corporation filing instructions, articles of incorporation for nonprofits.
Nonprofit Corporation Information - Michigan's Business One Stop Brief instructions on how to file for nonprofit status in the state of Michigan.
Michigan Nonprofit Association
"Michigan Nonprofit Association (MNA) is the collective voice of Michigan's nonprofit organizations. MNA serves as a statewide network for the sector, a resource center on effective management practices, and as an advocate for the nonprofit community."
Nonprofit Enterprise at Work (NEW)
With offices in both Ann Arbor and Detroit, NEW offers nonprofits in southeast Michigan resources, technology, and services to meet the challenges of doing more with less. We also work with partners to deliver NEW'S programs outside of southeast Michigan.
Jackson, Michigan based Nonprofit NetWork offers an excellent site on nonprofit good practices. This includes resources for nonprofit boards, resources on diversity and cultural competencies, tips on advocacy and lobbying. A glossary is also included on the site.
Michigan Grantmakers
This Michigan State University compilation of Michigan grantmakers provides links to grant listings, as well as descriptions of various giving programs throughout the state. Relevant websites of community and corporate givers also are provided, in addition to linked information of top funding organizations in the state of Michigan.
Council of Michigan Foundations
Serving as a membership-based nonprofit organization, the CMF aims to build and support philanthropic activity in Michigan. Currently boasting over 350 organizational memberships, CMF provides member foundations with educational programs, networking opportunities, discounts on products, access to a lending library and a research librarian, philanthropic resources, current news and information, and advocacy representation in Washington, DC and Lansing, MI. A more complete listing of membership information and benefits can be found here.
Covers of a broad range of subject areas including: art, business, education, health, law, psychology, sciences, social sciences, and culture.
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Content included on this page was adapted and modified from the University of Michigan Nonprofit Information page at under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.